Sunday 29 March 2009

Student life

Being a student fucking rocks, like seriously shit hot. It's life the way it should be lived for all us people that aren't talented* enough to be living the rock life, on tour with the band. There is so much drink and women and drugs. Last night had me lying on the floor, almost passed out but in a weird drugged state where i still knew everything that was going on, trying my hardest to stand up, without whiteying, and walk over to the girl who had whispered in my ear earlier that she wanted to fuck me as soon as her boyfriend had left.
Unfortunately (especially for the ginger chick), i did not get a fuck, not even a drunken blowjob. I didn't even manage to stand up. I am told that the ginger chick also passed out somewhere after losing, badly and messily, a drinking contest.

I don't know what i am wanting to say, and i do not want to sound like an asshole who tells you what to believe in or how to live your life. But life is there to be lived, you have to grab it and shake it down hard till you have gotten everything you can from it. Then kill it and take anything that's left in its pockets.

peace out homies

*i debated with myself whether to say talented or lucky, because there are so many shit little bands out there who do not deserve/ should not be allowed to make music. But there are also some geniuses who have given me so much enjoyment from their music that i feel it would be disrespectful to feel that the only reason i do not share their fame is luck).

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